Why? A few Posts ago (Power Apps: Get Dataverse Option Set ID as well as Label), I showed that working with a Choice Column in Dataverse (previously known as an Option Set in the Common Data Service) could be challenging.... Mainly thanks to all the functionality that exists behind these "complex objects". Functionalities like multi-language … Continue reading Power Apps: Dataverse Choice Column filter from Combobox
Blog Posts
Power Automate: compare Items in multiple Arrays without Apply to each
Why? In one of my previous posts (Power Automate: combine values from an Array without an Apply to each » Knowhere365), we saw that we can combine values from an array without an Apply to each loop. With the same type of approach, we can also compare items in two different arrays. Should we want … Continue reading Power Automate: compare Items in multiple Arrays without Apply to each
Power Apps: source code edit for Canvas Apps in Visual Studio Code
Why? In April, I showed how to unpack and repack Power Apps .msapp files of Canvas Apps in the blog post Power Apps: source code edit for Canvas Apps » Knowhere365. Using this functionality, we can view and edit the source code of Canvas Apps. In a recent announcement last week (Canvas source code tool … Continue reading Power Apps: source code edit for Canvas Apps in Visual Studio Code
Power Automate: combine values from an Array without an Apply to each
Why? In one of my previous posts (Power Automate: get value from Array » Knowhere365), we learned how to reference a property of an Array immediately using the integer index that an Array always has. However there are some cases where we get an Array with multible Objects in it and we want to combine … Continue reading Power Automate: combine values from an Array without an Apply to each
Microsoft Learn and the Power Platform
Why? You may have noticed the last year and a half... we do not see each other in person as much as we would like / as much as we need. So how are going to show off our skills and achievements if we cannot show it during in-person-events on our t-shirts, on our laptops … Continue reading Microsoft Learn and the Power Platform
Power Automate: skip the Parse JSON action to reference data
Why? Let me emphasize that using the Parse JSON action (as explained in this great blog post of Luise Freese: How to use Parse JSON action in Power Automate) is always the way to go when you are starting with Power Automate. Especially if you want to have properties of your JSON ouput to show … Continue reading Power Automate: skip the Parse JSON action to reference data
Power Automate: delete a deleted Flow
Why? We can delete a Power Automate Flow in the Power Automate Portal. However it seems that the Flow is not really gone, so how can we delete a deleted Flow? 🤯 Even though we cannot find the Flow in the Power Automate Portal anymore, somewhere in Dataverse there is still a record of your … Continue reading Power Automate: delete a deleted Flow
Power Apps: source code edit for Canvas Apps
Why? Ever since I saw the post Source code files for Canvas apps from Microsoft, I thought this might come in handy for some of my Canvas Apps. As a non-coding Citizen Developer, I just thought that day would be more in the future. A day when this feature would not be experimental anymore but … Continue reading Power Apps: source code edit for Canvas Apps
SharePoint: Column Formatting on the Approval Status column
Why? Column Formatting is one of those features that have made SharePoint even easier to improve the user experience. The default Content Approval of SharePoint has been a strong document collaboration functionality for many years now. With the recent release of hover cards in the formatting options, I wanted to combine all these features in … Continue reading SharePoint: Column Formatting on the Approval Status column
Power Platform: Connectors failing after Multi Factor Authentication
Why? Recently one of my customers called me about a Business App "suddenly not doing its job anymore". The Business App consists of a Power App connected to Flow. The connected Flow worked fine for a few weeks running behind the push of a Power App button. Without any changes to the Power App nor … Continue reading Power Platform: Connectors failing after Multi Factor Authentication