Power Platform: Solutions and Azure DevOps Pipelines


Recently I had the honor to work with one of the biggest Dynamics Partners in the Netherlands. In their daily business it is common practice to use Azure DevOps. With Pipelines they manage their different Dynamics 365 environments with as less manual work as possible. Especially in builds and releases, Power Platform Azure DevOps Pipelines will be useful 🐱‍💻.

One could say that Dynamics 365 environments can be considered as Power Platform Environments. Because of this, a lot of lessons learned apply to both points of views. With their help, I have picked up quite some interesting practices. These practices can make a Power Platform (Citizen) Developer’s life much easier 🤩.


This post is to share my journey on how to automate the management of a Power Platform Solution.

Screenshot of an Azure DevOps Pipelines section

With the help of Power Platform Azure DevOps Pipelines, I want to:

  • export my Unmanaged solutions from my Development Environment –> with as less clicks as possible
    (this way I can make sure my source code is backed up nicely with versioning enabled)
  • backup my Managed Solutions from my Development Environment –> with as less clicks as possible
    (this way I can follow all my managed releases also in my file versioning)
  • import my Managed Solution into any Target Environment –> with as less clicks as possible
    (this way I can deploy to any environment without manual mistakes)


The coming weeks, I will share the following blog posts on how to:

  1. setup your Azure DevOps Project for your first Starter Pipeline
    Power Platform: setting up an Azure DevOps Pipeline » Knowhere365
  2. connect your Azure DevOps Pipeline to a Power Platform Environment
    Power Platform: connect an Azure DevOps Pipeline » Knowhere365
  3. export your Power Platform Solutions from a Development Environment through an Azure DevOps Pipeline
    Power Platform: export a Solution with an Azure DevOps Pipeline » Knowhere365
  4. import your Power Platform Solution to any target Environment through an Azure DevOps Pipeline
    Power Platform: import a Solution with an Azure DevOps Pipeline » Knowhere365

After these posts on Power Platform Azure DevOps Pipelines, I will probably cover other related topics so stay tuned!

Before I deep dive into the topics in separate blog posts, you can do some preparations. In your Azure DevOps instance: install the Microsoft Power Platform Build Tools for Azure DevOps – Power Platform | Microsoft Docs using the Marketplace 👍

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