Power Platform: Solution Import error handling


When importing a solution into the Power Platform, for me it feels like crossing my fingers and hoping for a good outcome without a failed notification (commonly regarded as errors). But because the Power Platform (based on years of experience in Dynamics) has so many overwhelming possibilities, there can be a lot of “dependencies” in managed as well as unmanaged solutions, causing an “error” during import.

Failed notifications like:
“Solution “SolProFS Solution” failed to import: ImportAsHolding Exception during StageAndUpgrade”

or like:
“Solution “SolProFS Solution” failed to import: Expected existing value to have ID ‘355598de-b1fa-ea11-a813-000d3a38daf6’, but found ‘be5de1a9-ff2f-eb11-a813-000d3ab9bd1c'”

These notifications are often not very self-explanatory and when you decide to download the log file… the downloaded XML is pretty much unreadable…


This post is to get a first grip on how to cope with these failed notifications as a basic approach.


The best tip that I can give on how to handle the downloaded XML-files:

1) Open de XML-file in Excel and see a very nice layout of two Excel Sheets.

TIP: You may need to disable some Trust Center Settings in the Options of your Excel Application to open correctly 💡.

2) Check the Solution Sheet for general info including the not-so-self-explanatory failed notification

3) Check the Components Sheet for more info on the actuel Component of your solution causing the failure

4) Even when the Failure Notification and the Component Sheet information is not enough, you can unzip your Solution. This will give you a folder with (amoung other files) a customizations.xml file in it. Open this file and search for keywords from your failure notification or component information. Changes are this will give you a more complete picture of components to verify. 💪👍

In the next few blog posts, I will try to specify some of the failed notifications that I got during my Application Lifecycle Management experiences in the Power Platform. ⏳

One thought on “Power Platform: Solution Import error handling

  1. Thanks for posting this – I never thought of using Excel to open the log file. Makes things so much easier to read thank in Code (or worse)!

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