Adoption is not a phase in a project


Let my first post be an overall statement that adoption of (IT) tooling is something to take into constant consideration.

How can a tool created by a full blown project team of roles like product owners, business consultants, architects, developers and testers, be expected to be adopted by end users with some last-minute video’s, some high level news posts and some basic training.


Ever experienced a project where at the end, some time was reserved for “adoption”? And even if this reserved time was kept aside (because it often gets used up by the project itself 😒), this last piece of the puzzle was just something to be done just before the members of the project team were about to go back to their “normal jobs” (or in case of external experts just leave the organization).

Adoption in a Project
Adoption: the beginning of the end


A product owner should have adoption top-of-mind when accepting new business requests and prioritizing these with their teams, a business consultant should have adoption integrated in every session with end users during design and verification, a developer should have adoption as a screensaver and background of his device and testers should have adoption tattooed on the back of their hands…… all just to make sure no one ever forgets why, for who and how the team is delivering anything!

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